Re: Writing a GNOME mail client.

Miguel de Icaza wrote:

>         b. Use this message as a "pattern" for automatically
>            creating a new folder.
>            So that users do not end up editing manually their
>            .procmail file, nor using a GUI to manually wonder
>            which header needs to be used for splitting.

I *LOVE* this idea. Perhaps one could select several messages to use as a
pattern, to make it easier to identify common headers? 

Now, what would really send me into paroxysms of ecstacy is if there was a
way for it to update the .procmail file remotely. I use IMAP with procmail
on my ISP's server, so that I can have my nicely filtered mailboxes whether
I'm using Netscrape or Pine from home or work, or telnetting in to the
server from somewhere else. So some method of updating my .procmail on the
server would be just spiffing.

-Chip Olson. |

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