Re: RHAD Labs GNOME RPMS: guile dependency

On Wed, 14 Apr 1999, Michael Fulbright wrote:
> The RPMS require guile 1.2, which is what shipped with Red Hat 5.2.

First a specific question, then a general one:

  * Would it be possible to reissue the guile-1.2 RPM under a new name
    (eg. guile-so2) for similar reasons as the glib and gtk+ libraries
    were split into two RPM names?

  * Would Red Hat consider modifying its RPM naming policy for libraries
    to include the so number?  This would allow users to upgrade different
    so numbered versions of the same library separately, without worrying
    about the awkward convolutions that the RPM program makes you go
    through when upgrading a package when you have multiple versions of
    that package installed?  I think this would make future distributions
    of Red Hat Linux easier to maintain.


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