Possible gmc bug? and a couple of feature sugestions

As I don't use the tree view in gmc much I usually cover up the left pane
by pulling the tab of the right hand pane all the way across so get just a
single pane directory view (does this make sense?). Anyway when I do this
the left hand pane disappears except for its vertical scroll bar. Now gmc
looks a bit freaky with two scroll bars, of which only one has an obvious
affect. I'm using the latest RHAD labs rpm version of gmc - I can't be
sure but I don't remember earlier versions doing this, although I may not
have noticed. (Yesterday I spent ten minutes staring at a gmc window
thinking somthing is wrong but not knowing what - this morning I finally
saw it)

I also had a couple of ideas for gnome/gmc if you allow me the indulgence;

When placing icons on the desktop and then selecting Arrange icons the
icons form and orderly line starting from the top left most corner of the
display and moving down verticaly. Would it be possible to have it so that
icons snap to the nearest gridpoint so that i could, for instance have all
of my icons on the right hand side of the screen, or my symlink folders
vert. down the left hand side and moutable devices horiz across the top,
or whatever pattern I like.


When I first showed gnome to someone used to another operating system
(this was back at the 0.30 stage) one of the first things they said was
where is my C: drive and my A: drive. (OK so this is a vulgar DOSism but
its so embedded into the average users psyche you have to account for it)

Also one of the hard things for newbies to learn is the filesystem,
mounting, unmounting, etc. Now that is almost history with the newest gmc
- right there on the desktop is a floppy disk icon (for example), and I
can just double click right into it. However when I go to save stuff in
gnumeric (for example) I have to go hunting for where the floppy is
mounted - ok so usually it's in /mnt/floppy but it might not be mounted,
and a newbie isn't necessarily going to know where to look.

So my idea is this; would it be possible to put a <Desktop> entry in the
drop down path menu of the open/save dialog then it would be easy to find
the floppy, zip, etc (this isn't original I just copied this from the mac
- anyone who didn't know that go to the back of the class). 

A variation on this would be to have the desktop, floppy, cdrom, zip, etc
appear in the drop down path menu - this is win95ish I guess so I have my 
flamesuit ready.


In the panel it would be nice to be able to switch the sytem menu between
expanded and unexpanded, where expanded in what we currently have and
unexpanded would make the system menus act like the AnotherLevel menus. 


Can I add my vote to make switchable the default drag behaviour of gmc
prompt for copy, move, link? 




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