GMC Problems.


Gmc is starting to *look* good, although I haven't got it working properly yet.
I've yet to get gmc working with any open/view actions.
Commands->Edit mimetypes does nothing (well it outputs an upside down
question-mark in the shell window I ran gmc from)
Editing mimetypes in the controlpanel works fine but they don't seem
to have any effect on gmc's action.  
At best, doubleclicking a file in gmc outputs an @. 
(Although urls dragged from netscape works fine, as does gmc's built-in textviewer)

gnome-libs 1.0.8
control-panel 1.0.5
gmc 4.5.30
imlib 1.9.4
orbit 0.4.3
gtk+/glib 1.2.1
debian potato glibc2.1

Martin Enlund -
"It is not I who am crazy; it is I who am mad!!"
                            / Commander Ren Höek

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