RE: themes

I've run in to the same problem.  After downloading the *.etheme, I tried to
install it through the GUI which allowed me to select the file for
installation, but did not make any changes to the list of installed themes.
Failing that, I manually installed it using the tar command to break down
the file.  I've been able to dump the subdirectories and files into
/themes/, but I still can't see them under the Themes list.

> ----------
> From: 	Bob Schmidt[]
> Sent: 	Saturday, April 10, 1999 1:11 AM
> To:
> Subject: 	RE: themes
> On Fri, 09 Apr 1999, Fox, Kevin M wrote:
> > place them in ~/.enlightenment/themes
> Hi All again,
> I placed the *.etheme file in the above directory, went to enlightenment
> config
> and installed them ...... but they did not work.  They show up in the
> theme
> box, and then if I restart computer they are gone.  I must be doing
> something
> wrong?
> any help would be appreciated,
> bob
> -- 
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