Re: Problems compiling gnumeric and mc

Hello hackers!

On Thu, 8 Apr 1999 23:07:44 +0200
Markus Stumpf <maex-lists-gnome-list@Space.Net> wrote:

> Compiling mc-4.5.29 and gnumeric-0.23 chokes with messages like
>     Gnumeric-impl.c:12: parse error before `POA_GNOME_Table'
>     Gnumeric-impl.c:18: parse error before `POA_GNOME_Spreadsheet'
>     Gnumeric-impl.c:24: parse error before `POA_GNOME_Gnumeric'
>     Gnumeric-impl.c:29: parse error before `POA_GNOME_GnumericFactory'
>     [ ... ]
>     gcorba.c:31: parse error before `POA_GNOME_FileManagerWindow'
>     gcorba.c:63: parse error before `impl_GNOME_FileManagerFactory_create_window'
>     [ ... ]
> Am I missing something?

At lease not for the error you mentioned.

I caught a typo in gnome-libs-1.0.6/idl/gnome-file.idl, line 6:
It should read '#pragma include_defs gnome-file.h'
I suppose it has not been fixed in 1.0.7

You may edit the offending code and recompile the library.
Alternatively, you can fix this quickly by entering the following

perl -pi -e \
's/include_defs gnome\-file\.idl/include_defs gnome\-file\.h/' \
`gnome-config -datadir`/idl/gnome-file.idl

To compile mc or gnumeric, you need to regenerate idl skeleton files
with '-D__LIBGNORBA_COMPILATION' idl compilation flag.

For mc, cd to your mc-$PACKAGE_VERSION/gnome directory and enter:

orbit-idl -D__LIBGNORBA_COMPILATION -I`gnome-config -datadir`/idl/ \

Same workaround can be used for gnumeric.

In this case, you need to cd to gnumeric-$PACKAGE_VERSION/src
directory and enter:

orbit-idl -D__LIBGNORBA_COMPILATION -I`gnome-config -datadir`/idl/ \

This will prepare your source tree for successful compilation.

This problem probably exists with some other packages with objects
that inherit its interface definition from gnome-libs' idl files.

I would like to hear from the developers if passing such idl flags is
the intended design, or there will be some changes to the gnome-libs'
idl files.



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