Re: gnome-libs 0.30.1

On Wed, Sep 30, 1998 at 10:36:24AM +0200, wrote:
> I think you have got a problem with the gettext package. When I had
> such problem with IRIX 6.4 it was because one of the programs was
> segfaulting. I think I touched the .pot file in the distrib for this
> rule not being done by the Makefile. What I see in this instruction
> shown above is that the command was not found at configure: it is
> missing msgfmt or something like that...
> The version I have now of gettext is 0.10.35 from
> I am at your disposal for more if needed.
yes it seems that msgfmt is not the gnu version, and thus don't like the many options.

what i don't understand is why it worked the first time i used it, but not now.

i will get gettext and compile it, is 0.10 fromthe gnu mirror ok ?

thanks for your help,



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