Re: Compile problems with ORBit 0.3.0

> While compiling ORBit 0.3.0 I get these errors:
> name-common.c: In function `CosNaming_NamingContext_NotEmpty_demarshal':
> name-common.c:362: parse error at end of input
> Part of the end of that file seems to be missing. As well, part of the
> beginning of the name-stubs.c file seems to be missing. Anyone know
> what the problem is or where to get another version of the tar file?
> THanks.

name-common.c is a generated file (as is name-stubs.c and name-skels.c),
so delete them and try to make the whole thing again. Those files are
generated by the command "orbit-idl name.idl". if there still is a problem
after remaking it, it could be because of a broken (i.e. non-gnu ;-) 
indent program, that is used to beautify the generated c-code.


| Sebastian Wilhelmi, Institute for Computer Design and Fault Tolerance, |
| University of Karlsruhe;  Building 20.20, Room 263,  D-76128 Karlsruhe |
| mail:;  fax: +49 721 370455;  fon: +49 721 6084353 |
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