Re: very basic autogen problem with newest gnome-{libs,core}

CVS should have included, but I guess it didn't.  Checkout gnome-common,
and make symlinks.  This is just a hack, though...

 Soren Harward <> | Windows DOES come with a tool    | to restore a corrupt Registry.
 Internet Information Systems Admin  |
 Cinternet, Inc.  (513) 891-1228     | It's called FDISK.

On Mon, 28 Sep 1998, Eric Guenterberg wrote:

>When I type:
>I get:
>./ ./macros/ No such file or directory
>I get the same thing trying to run the in 'gnome-core'
>As far as I can tell, this is because my gnome-libs directory doesn't
>contain the macros directory that it should. Neiter does my gnome-core
>directory. When I explicitly tell to source the
>'../macros/' file, I get a ton of errors.

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