Re: Help an ORBit idiot, please

I got it fixed: copy/overwrite all files in /opt/gnome/share/aclocal [or
your equivalent] to /usr/share/aclocal, and then symlink
/usr/share/aclocal to /opt/gnome/share/aclocal. This will get rid of
"duplicate error" messages and the ./configure errors.

                Soren Harward               | Windows 95/98 DOES come
 Internet Information Systems Administrator | with a tool to recover
               Cinternet, Inc.              | from Registry
 Voice: 891-1228 | corruption.      | It's called 'FDISK'.

On Sat, 5 Sep 1998, William F. Maton wrote:

>On Thu, 3 Sep 1998, Soren Harward wrote:
>> I still can't get ORBit to work, and yes I do feel pretty stupid as the
>You're not alone.
>> Here's the error (which I've posted a million times):
>> Running ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --prefix=/opt/gnome --with-gtk-prefix=/opt/gnome --enable-FOR_PANEL
>> loading cache ./config.cache
>> ./configure: syntax error near unexpected token `AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h)'
>> ./configure: ./configure: line 568: `AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h)'
>I get the same thing.  I've nuked the CVS tree twice, recompiled glib and
>gtk+, and still ORBit fails.  I started fiddling with, and
>got a configuration, but the Makefile broke in some places.  Not wanting
>to create a domino-effect, I just stopped.

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