Re: [gtk-list] Re: GTK for windows

>On 30 Oct, Rodrigo Moya scribbled:
>->  Hi all!
>->  Good news that Tor Lillqvist's work is getting into Glib/GTK+ official
>->  sources. My question is:
>->      Is there somebody working on porting GNOME to Win32?
>not that I know of.. and why?
To port it to Windows. Maybe some people that are always using linux can
find this idea stupid. But, unfortunately, in my work I'm always using
Windows, and it would be really nice, as a colleague of mine said, to have
Windows without a 'Start' button....

The thing is that I use linux only at home, so I would like, at work, to be
able to run GNOME applications, as well as to compile and run any
application I may do for GNOME myself, without having a version for Windows
and another one for linux.


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