Compiled gnome-core for HP-UX; what now?

OK, quite a long posting:
 - two replies to other peoples reactions,
 - new bugs and fixes.

--- reply one ---

> > even after I add -lIIOP, -lORBitutil and -llibgnorba to the
> > command-line (for gcc linking; a re-configure might make the adding
> > libs by hand unnecessary). What packages do I need more?
> According to 'gnome-config gnorba --libs', you should be including
>         -I/path/to/gnome/lib -lgnorba -lORBit -lIIOP -lORBitutil -lglib -lm
> and I'm pretty sure they need to be in that order on HP-UX (and, of course,
> you need to change "/path/to/gnome/lib" to wherever you've got the GNOME
> libraries installed on your machine)

Dunno about the order, went OK after reinstalling ORBit, coz
I missed libORBit.* (disk quota...)

> Good luck!  I'm also trying to build on HP-UX, but I don't have space for
> much more than the libraries and a couple of applications...

I already have 30 MB more than this morning and gnome-core _just_ fits :-)

--- reply two ---

> > So close to adding HP-UX 10.20 as supported platform into the FAQ,
> > please help me to fix the last problems :-)
> HPUX 10.20 works just fine  -  in fact at dinner I told Todd to add it in
> (Todd???)  

At least I got it all compiled and installed now; see below.

> It sounds like most of your problems are because you are using HPUX :)
> I had to download and install a LOT of GNU stuff.  (ftp
>;mget *;tar fxz *; make * :)

This happens to be the case entirely.
I have 25 MB libraries (partially gnome) and 30 MB binaries (mainly
gnome) in my private directories now.

> Once you get all the needed stuff on there, you can grab everything from
> CVS, and pretty much just compile straight through.

Not through the firewall here...

--- new bugs and some fixes ---

While: ./configure --prefix=/home/gelderk
Problem: could not find,
Solution: had to be made for gnome-libs. Failed to compile, due to illegal sed
 commands (s,,, replaced by s!!! at the end of gnome-libs/
 (should I supply a diff?)

While: `gmake`
Problem: libtool (as well as for gnome-libs)
Solution: replace "printf %s\n" by "echo"; or in ltconfig add a line for 
 checking $echo, somehow it goes wrong when assigning to the env.var.

While: `gmake`
Problem: need zlib.h

While: `gmake`
Problem: doesn't include -lz for linking gnome-core/gnome-help-browser
Solution: compile by hand (reconfigure did _not_ help)

While: `gmake panel`
Problem: can not apply sed
Solution: same as for, see above (yes, there are commas in the
 linking options: "-Wl,-E" most of the time).

While: `gmake` in control-center
Problem: sed
Solution: see above


While: running `panel`
Problem: /usr/lib/ Unresolved symbol: __main (code)  from panel
 $ nm panel | grep __main
 __main              |          |undef |code   |
 __main              |     72496|uext  |stub   |
Solution: Dunno. link statically?

 - I get a gnome-terminal running, can change its config and so on,
   but it does not run a shell or anything.
 - gnome-session can not find anything working, but it warns me about
   that and does not crash :-)
 - gnomecc actually could tell my keyboard and mouse how to behave!

+--- Kero ------------------ ---+
| I ain't changed,                          |
| but I know I ain't the same               |
+--- M38C --- ---+

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