Re: gnome-libs compile problem...

Yeah, I just started getting this recently, too, but haven't
figured out what's causing it.  Have you gotten gnome to compile
from an earlier release or is this your first time through?  It's
been suggested that one way to fix it is to recompile XFree86
(from the source) with the proper locale flags (don't remember
what they were, check the list archives).  I'll let you know if I
figure anything out...  See the related thread,  "Re: _Xsetlocale


Brad McMahan wrote:

>     I am trying to compile gnome-libs and I keep getting
> /usr/i486-linux-libc5/lib/ undefined reference to
> '_Xsetlocale' I am using RedHat 5.0 with the libc-5.3.12-25 rpm
> installed Thanks,Brad

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