Re: BOB: GNOME Word Processor Efforts

On Fri, 16 Oct 1998, Todd Graham Lewis wrote:

> Ok, I was out of the office for three weeks, thinking the entire time
> about how to approach the building of a word processor.
> After spending an ungodly amount of money on various MS Office books and
> really looking at how they look, I realized something: all Office apps share
> the same infrastructure.  There's the document part, and then there's the
> stuff wrapped around it.  


> Does this sound reasonable?  Is this the right way to write a word processor?

Forgive me for sounding naive, but shouldn't people be working on
modifying the UI bindings and adding DOM support to an established editor
such as emacs?

Sam Vilain,
Vidi, vici, veni (I saw, I conquered, I came)

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