Re: Absent

Have you installed the glib package with version >= 1.1.x?  If so, check
your /usr/lib or wherever the .deb. got installed, and if you have
something resembling, just make a symlink.

Oh, and *please* send text-only mail to the list.  The majority of us are
using text-only mail programs like PINE, mutt, or elm.  Thanks.

 Soren Harward <> | Windows DOES come with a tool    | to restore a corrupt Registry.
 Internet Information Systems Admin  |
 Cinternet, Inc.  (513) 891-1228     | It's called FDISK.

On Sun, 4 Oct 1998, Atomic Fro wrote:

)Hey folks.  I have been having trouble starting gnome-session and other
gnome apps (with the exception of panel).  Every time I try to start them,
they give me an error saying that they can't find "" Where
is it? I've installed and re-installed everything the debian pages say is
necessary, yet it won't start.  Please help!
)Jerod Christensen

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