Re: gnome-libs: missing gtklayout.h

Sam Nelson <> writes:

> I ran into this yesterday, so this morning I updated & rebuilt glib,
> gtk+, imlib, libIDL & ORBit. so everything should be fresh.
> However, I still get this message:
> make[2]: *** No rule to make target `../libgnomeui/gtklayout.h', needed
> by `gconfigger.o'.  Stop.
> Any ideas?

 Execute this in your toplevel GNOME-tree.

  find `find . -type d -name .deps` -type f | xargs grep -l "gtklayout.h" \
    | sed 's%^\(.*\)\.deps/\(.*\)\.[pP]$% \1\.deps/\2\.P \
    \1\.deps/\2\.p  \1\2\.o \1\2\.lo%' | xargs rm -f

 Note that it should be in one single line. Experiment a bit without
the last part (ie. | xargs rm -f), until you have an idea what it does.

 This will remove the dependancy file and any corresponding object
files. You will probably end up compiling more than is absolutely
neccesary, but this is much safer than simply removing the
dependancies altogether.


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