Re: random thoughts

On 25 November, 1998 - DrunkenSmurf sent me these 1.5K bytes:

> 1.  Does anyone that's maintinaining know that the
> gtk+-1.1.1.tar.gz does not contain a configure script? 

1.1.1 is outdated right now anyhow...


> 3.  Gnome CVS doesnt' compile for me, so I decided to go to the 0.3.1
> release and get that working first.  Has anyone successfully compiled it
> with gtk+-1.1.5? Mine dies and I really don't want to have to install a
> 3rd gtk on my system.  I aleaady have 1.0.6 for gimp, 1.1.5 for E, and I
> don't know if I have to drop down to a lower version to get gnome 0.3.1
> (and 0.3.0 pieces) to compile right

You will probably have to use whatever gtk-version was the active one at
the time those gnome-releases were active... 1.1.x is development, and
breaks the api every now and then..

> 4.  DO GTK/Gnome *require* libc6?  I built gtk-1.1.5 with libc5 i
> believe but I'm wondering if tthat may be problems i'm having compiling
> gnome.

I'm compiling GTK/Gimp/Gnome out of cvs on Debian 1.3/libc5 boxes
without any problems.. (other than it takes time on p100's and eats
precious disk 8) (In gnome, I've only tried to compile gnome-utils,
gnome-libs and the control-center thingie from gnome-core, but without

Tomas Ögren,,
|- Student of Computer Science at the University of Umeå
`- Sysadmin at {ing,acc}

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