Postscript Printing and PPD support


	I would like to know if somebody is working on printing in
gnome.  Because I may be interested in participating and I was working
on on a library for generating DSC conforming postscript document and
support for PPD files. PPD files are usefull if you want to support
each specific printers' features, like severel paper trays things like
that. PPD files exists for every postscript printer.

	Most people do not have postscript printers, but use
ghostscript to print. My idea is to make PPD files for each printer
ghostscript supports, not each family of printers, each printer and
thereby being able to better support features like imageable region,
resolution, colors directly from the application. The print spooler
then glazes through the postscript file before printout and starts gs
with the proper options based on comments in the postscript file.

 \|/ ____ \|/  Erik M. Hansen <>
 "@'/ oo \`@"
 /_| \__/ |_\  Fuglesangsalle 69, DK-8210 Århus V, Denmark. 
    \__U_/     Phone home 86106814

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