Re: resignations, flamewars, and the future

+----- From: MATTHEW ETTUS <matthew.ettus@Sun.COM>
| If the only reason you worked on GNOME was that KDE had bad licensing,
| you were working on it for the wrong reason.
| The KDE news is good...  It allows the success of Linux NOW.  It gives
| us (finally) a 1990's class desktop.
| GNOME allows continued success -- It advances technology, rather than
| catches us up.  It will be the desktop for the next century.
| The KDE news is good for GNOME... now GNOME can take its time and get it
| right, rather than getting it first.

KDE is a nice CDE/Windows "crossover" desktop good for those who already know
some windowing system.

GNOME is more like what IBM's Workplace Shell *should* have been:  flexible,
extensible.  And it continues the X11 "style" of interchangeable components,
instead of the monolithic structure of Windows and CDE (and KDE).

FWIW I don't like the KDE interface much (likewise for CDE), which is why I'm
trying to work on GNOME when I have time --- it allows me to build *my* idea
of a nice interface.

(The Linux installation images I maintain for CMU ECE contain both KDE and
GNOME, and have for several months.  ---Actually, GNOME is missing at the
moment; I want to build packages from the most stable CVS snapshots I collect
over the next few weeks instead of using what came with Red Hat 5.2.  And
the images aren't final yet, I'm still testing the "ECE facilitized" image.)

brandon s. allbery	[os/2][linux][solaris][japh]
system administrator	     [WAY too many hats]
electrical and computer engineering
carnegie mellon university			   (bsa@kf8nh is still valid.)

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