Re: A few oddities in the panel

: >
: > the rc file DETERMINES the theme - the app shudl be extremely careful
: > abotu setting anythgn in a style - currently there is no way to knwo what
: > is a syle comes form user settngs but you should assume EVERYTHING in the
: > style is a user setting unless your app overrides it explcitly - and this
: > should only be doen for a very very very good reason.
: bti ot mchu cfafein?eMroe leeps?

Has anyone tried using Babelfish on it?

    - A

"He turned one hand palm up and rubbed the ball of his thumb over his
fingertips... So Beck was the hacker and Oda was the backer. The
oldest and most troublesome relationship in the technological world."
 - Neal Stephenson, The Diamond Age

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