Re: Auto-CVS

On Mon, 16 Nov 1998, Mohammad Abdin wrote:

> Okay, I was checking out the gIDE website - I think once it 'catches up'
> with the development of GNOME it'll make it a /kick-ass/ thing :)
> While I was browsing the website - I was kinda amazed at the insta-CVS
> thing (which gives you a .tar.gz of the CVS version of gIDE fromt hat
> 'instant') - I was amazed cos I was kinda thinking of this the night before
> (Wouldn't it be cool if I could get an 'instant' CVS via HTTP or FTP (cos
> my proxy server is VERY VERY fast but can only download from FTP or HTTP
> ports)). Anyway, I was wondering if something like this could be
> implemented in GNOME so we can instant CVS stuff (gnome-core, gnome-libs,
> gnome-admin, gnome-games, etc etc) instantly without having to go through
> the more 'complicated' and less efficient (in my case - since it doesn't
> proxy server can't access it) method of just plain CVS :) Thanx

You could, of course, just get the daily snapshots off of

Marcus Brubaker

There are no facts, only interpretations.

  from Nietzsche's Nachlass, A. Danto translation.

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