Re: CVS problem!

Todd Graham Lewis <> writes:

> reflections% echo $CVSROOT
> reflections% cvs login
> (Logging in to
> CVS password: 
> reflections% cvs checkout gnome
> cvs server: cannot find module `popt' - ignored
> cvs server: cannot find module `gnome-dom' - ignored
> cvs server: cannot find module `gno' - ignored
> cvs [checkout aborted]: cannot expand modules
> reflections%

  cvs -z3 update CVSROOT
  cvs -z3 checkout gnome

However, I personally try to avoid using checkout.

My recommendations when using CVS:
  - don't ever touch the directory you use to checkout to :).  Copy
    the directories to your build area.  Then find <build-dir> -name
    CVS -type d -exec rm -rf {} \;.  Preferably use different userid's
    (paranoia creeping in on my part ;))
  - use cvs -z3 update -dP <module-list> rather than cvs checkout.  It
    tends to recover from error conditions better.
  - make sure your CVSROOT directory is up to date

Personally I think it is of value to have your own CVS repository; you
checkout your most up-to-date version, fiddle the
CVS/{Root,Repository} files, update, fiddle back, then commit/release.
This has a number of advantages - you can tag versions as stable on
your system and revert and all that lovely stuff without
re-downloading from the servers.  I may post a URI
for a script to do this once I get it figured out properly.  Ideally
it should automatically notice when maintainers tag releases and check
those out (ie, preserve tags in original repository).

Sam Vilain,         work:                home:

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