problem making gnome.defs in libgnomeui?

libgnomeui build just failed because it couldn't create gnome.defs.
There is a circular dependency somewhere:

	bubba:/usr/local/home/jgarzik/cvs/gnome-libs/libgnomeui> make
	cd . \
	&& nawk -f maketypes.awk gnome.defs macros > gtb.tmp \
	&& mv gtb.tmp gnometypebuiltins.h
	nawk: can't open file gnome.defs
 	source line number 23
	make: *** [gnometypebuiltins.h] Error 2

	bubba:/usr/local/home/jgarzik/cvs/gnome-libs/libgnomeui> make gnome.defs
	cd . \
	&& nawk -f maketypes.awk gnome.defs macros > gtb.tmp \
	&& mv gtb.tmp gnometypebuiltins.h
	nawk: can't open file gnome.defs
	 source line number 23
	make: *** [gnometypebuiltins.h] Error 2

Generating gnome.defs manually _seems_ to work, but I get the following
errors running  Can these be safely ignored, or should
they be fixed?


bubba:/usr/local/home/jgarzik/cvs/gnome-libs/libgnomeui> perl defs *.h ../libgnome/*.h > gd.tmp
Can't understand:         { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31,
30, 31 }, 
Can't understand:         { 0, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31,
30, 31 } 
Can't understand:     }; 
Can't understand: */ 
Can't understand: extern N_char  day_name[8][16]; 
Can't understand: extern N_char  month_name[13][16]; 
Can't understand: extern const blockdef(rsrc_date_001,16);  
Can't understand: extern const blockdef(rsrc_date_002,32);  
Can't understand: extern const blockdef(rsrc_date_003,64);  
Can't understand: #endif 
Can't understand: #ifndef LIB_DEFINITIONS 
Can't understand: #define LIB_DEFINITIONS 
Can't understand: typedef  unsigned   char    base; 
Can't understand: typedef  unsigned   int     unit; 
Can't understand: typedef  unsigned   long    longunit; 
Can't understand: typedef  unsigned   short   shortunit; 
Can't understand: typedef  unsigned   char    N_char; 
Can't understand: typedef  unsigned   int     N_int; 

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