Gnome Developer Information in HTML!

Ah, that felt good.  I have been fighting to get the @^!&#@ SGML documents
to convert to HTML.  Actually, I had this working on a Linux box at around
1pm, but I was determined to get my HPUX box to do it as well.
	I had to get an earlier version of jade, and make a source mod or two,
but FINALLY, I can convert DocBook documents to I guess it's
time to change them to a new format :)

As I would not wish this upon anyone else, I have placed the resulting
files on my machine at

They are from the gnome-libs 0.30 snap from last Thurs (Oct 29).  

I can not promise that they will always be up-to-date, but I will do my
best.   I may just make a script to nightly pull them down from CVS and
move them out there.   

All this assumes the load on my machine doesn't go to high (it's not an NT
box, but it is my daily machine)

I hope this helps some people out there.   The bad part is it means I now
need to get off my butt and start coding - no more excuses.



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