Re: GNOME with new glib/gtk?

>I tried gnome 0.30 a few days ago with the then-current cvs gtk/glib and
>it didn't compile (29/10).
>According to Miguel's answer to my earlier question, the good news is that
>we may look forward to a new gnome release soon. Patience is you friend 
Installing GNOME took me quite a while, anyway, is there an EASY way of
'upgrading' I have preserved all my OLD  'tar xvfz' directories so I can do
a 'make uninstall' if I want to, but when I download the new GTK/GLIB/GNOME
stuff do I have to do a 'make uninstall' on the old stuff and then a 'make
install' (do I have to do that for ALL the stuff that I installed??? Wow)
or is there something much simpler like simplely tar xvfz'ing the new
package and then typing 'make upgrade'
Thanx, any help appreciated.

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