Re: gnomeui docs - any at all?

On Sat, 31 Oct 1998, Jeff Garzik wrote:
> Are there any reference materials, like the GTK+ reference, available
> for libgnomeui?  Just a simple list of all functions in a single place
> would be great.

The header files are heavily commented (for the most part), unlike Gtk+.
So you aren't totally screwed. 

In gnome-libs/devel-docs there are docs for some parts; I think
gnome-app-helper, gnome-dialog, gnome-dialog-util, gnome-app-util,
gnome-appbar are documented at least. There's some stuff in there on the

The quickie summary of what you need to learn:

Use GnomeApp for your main windows, and gnome-app-helper routines to 
 create your menus and toolbar; these automatically make available
 the stock icons. You can see a list of available stock icons in

Use the _() macro around any user-visible strings in your app, so they
 can be translated; if the string is used in a position where function
 calls are not allowed, you use N_() instead of _().

You can do arg parsing with argp, which is documented somewhere or other
 (I forget; I think we might be moving to popt anyway, which is well
  documented too).

Session management is in gnome-client.h; to use this, you basically get
 a client with gnome_master_client() and then connect callbacks to 
 "save_yourself" and "die", doing the appropriate thing in each case
 (I think that's right anyway).

The config routines in libgnome are fairly self-explanatory; these load
 and save data. Also of interest in libgnome is gnome-exec.h,
 gnome-util.h, gnome-help.h, gnome-string.h. The rest is special purpose
 and you can ignore it.

libgnomeui is largely special purpose too, I've already mentioned most
 of the general interest widgets. test-gnome shows most of them, too, 
 though it leaves out a lot of things.

gnome-utils/mini-utils/gless is an app that uses all these things but is
basically useless and very simple. It might be helpful.

The best thing to do: if you want to do thing X, look how it is done
in some other Gnome apps, and copy.


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