Re: GNOME Review

> 	gnomine: why the patch that allowed to go by the squares with the
> mouse button down wasn't added?

Don't know if you're talking my patch (which didn't actually do that)
but got inspired from your post :) and fixed all the things in gnomine I
could think of. Hope all of you like those changes, if not, just add some
options? This should now behave exactly like winmine which has until now
been the only minesweeper I've liked.

I think only things left to do is to move that tiny statusbar in up to
same level as the pixmap and with a lot larger fonts. And F2 should start
new game (how? accelerators? I'm not sure, haven't learned them yet so I
didn't do this..).

Patch included, could someone put it to CVS?

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