Re: some thoughts..

> > These extensions probably use a lot of memory to do things which usually
> > aren't done all the time, so it just uses megs of totally useless memory
> > most of the time. This seems to be the problem with whole KDE, it takes
> > over 11 megs of memory (+shared 2-5MB?) to do things I mostly don't need.
> > Solutions? I can think of some:
> As long as the code isn't used, all you loose is the memory allocated to
> the page tables. (Linux does on demand paging of executables.)

I can't really believe this works well. Well, maybe if the application is
build so that Linux knows right what code is used, but for example
netscape and kde, why do they take so much memory and don't work well
with computers with low memory? They use all their code and do "if
(!do_i_need_to_do_something()) return" type things everywhere? I don't
know, but I'm sure I haven't used any sounds and still KDE's sound servers
eat megs of memory.

> > Can libraries be loaded/unloaded while program is running? All different
> > extensions could be put to different libs and loaded as necessary.
> Binaries/Libraries are loaded on demand by default in Linux.
> [snip]

Shared libs are loaded entirely to memory or just parts of them? (should
some of them be divided into smaller libs?) And do you mean that they are
not even loaded or that they are loaded to memory and possibly placed to 

> > Are you sure gmc is the right file manager to use? I personally don't
> > like it right now, and because it's ported to many operating systems,
> > it probably has a lot of useless code. Anyway I'd dare to say that
> porting to many OSes == lot of useless code?  Since WHEN is
> this so? Ever seen autoconf and consorts at work?  

Well, at least you need to have some wrapper functions because you can't 
directly use gtk_() functions.. ok, not much :) And I don't know about
gmc's code but I just had some feeling that if program works in text mode,
X, windows, etc, it must have useless code..

> Again. If it is not needed, the gmc code is not in memory, and the
> unneeded data lays in swap :)

But my swap gets full... ;)

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