Re: Icons on the desktop

On 5/5/98 4:18 AM Mark Eaton (HeTTaR) said:

>I hope not. The thing I most dislike about kde (Not that i dislke kde mind
>you) is that you have a huge filemanager running all the time that slows
>everything down.
>I think the icons on the desktop bit should be handeled by a seperate SMALL
>program that runs all the time.
I'll have to agree with mark on this one.  Say a user logs in for the 
first time.  They have their panel, gsm, et al.  Then they close the only 
gsm window.  Desktop icons cannot go away at this point.  That is the 
current behavior.

In addition, are there some plans to make the desktop layer more aware of 
icons, i.e. that they are always behind everything else?

Final question, I noticed that there is an effort to make several window 
managers "Gnome-aware," but is there going to be a standardized base look 
for the window decorations as well as all the widgets?


Kevin Birch

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