multiple hosts/operating systems

        Has any thought been given to managing window manager
configurations on several hosts/operating systems at once? For
instance, take me. I run X and fvwm on Linux (Slackware and Redhat),
SunOS, and HPUX, on three different NIS systems, each with its own
common filesystem. I came up with the idea of running all my config
files (.fvwmrc, .xinitrc, .bash_profile, etc) through m4 to customize
them for each system. Could GNOME be written to automate this process?
Ie, if I change the configuration to make the play button be a
specific graphic, it would be nice to not have to make that change on
the other two systems. Having the config files exist as plain text
files, and not in a registry, is very nice, since I can move and
update them over the network using FTP (or rsh, rcp, rdist, rsync,
etc.) . Having the config depend on installed RPMs makes it hard to
move to non Linux system, like Solaris, HPUX.

Bobby "the fox" de Vos
ECE - Georgia Tech    

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