Re: property dialogs

	Why can't we have things both ways?  Make dialog boxes have
several behaviors.  If you shift-click a widget, it will be immediate
action.  This won't confuse newbies since they might not try it at first.
And it will enable experienced users to get things done faster.  

	File: .login

                r    w    x
	User:  | |  | |  | |

	Group: | |  | |  | |

	Other: | |  | |  | |

	| Apply |  | Close |

	Shift-click on User:r.  The file is readable by the user now.
	Click on Group:r and apply stops being grey.  Shift click on 
	Other:r and the file is readable by other.  Click apply and 
	the file is readable by group.  Click close.

	A simliar thing can be done for multiple tabs.  Clicking apply
could apply global changes, and shift click can just apply the local ones.
Close always works like close...


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Benjamin Kahn                        /,`.-'`'   -,  ;-;;'
(212) 924 - 2220                    |,4-  ) )-,_ ) /\ --------------- '---''(_/--' (_/-' ---------------
 If you love something, write it in C; if it compiles, it is yours; 
                     if it doesn't, it never was. 

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