Re: property dialogs

On 03/20/98, at 03:03 AM, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:

>On Fri, 20 Mar, 1998 at 08:50:27AM +0100, Sascha Ziemann set free these words:
>> Paul Hepworth wrote:
>> > You have got to be kidding!  Ok/Apply/Cancel is simply WRONG.  I don't care
>> > how many other systems use illogical, mislabeled buttons; it's still WRONG.
>> > Gnome should not follow suit; we have the opportunity to do things right.
>> Many people think that emulating Windows it the right way for Gnome. It
>> is the same with Exit in the File menu. Gnome has the chance to
>> implement new ideas, but many people don't want this chance. They want
>> something that fits exactly in their M$ damaged brain.
>Please don't disparge because something follows an older way of doing things!
>What is right and wrong is not only a matter of what is most efficient or most
>"correct", but also part of what is most comfortable and "normal".  As an
>example:  I bet most of the people here use a QWERTY style keyboard rather
>than a dvorak.  Even though linux is fully capable of doing the remapping.
>Even though the efficiency of the dvorak keyboard is much improved.  Even
>though the learning time for the dvorak keyboard is very minimal.
>Sometimes we carry around baggage because we are comfortable carrying that
>load around with us.  We shouldn't always carry around that load, but we
>should be aware of why we are carrying it and just how throwing off those out
>dated ideas is going to affect new and old users.  (and look into how hard it
>would be to implement ways to make people feel comfortable either way.)
>"Better the devil I know than the devil I don't" has been the stumbling block
>of revolutionary ideas throughout history -- if we can make it so the user can
>decide to struggle with the old demon or the new demon (at his option), then
>we are creating something that no other OS really seems to offer.

yes, and while we are at it, why don't why start distributing binary only apps?
as for licensing, who cares, all of us can make a little money here... hmm, here's an idea! how about integrating the web onto the desktop!

sorry bout that, couln't resist :) my point is that while we _should_ strive to keep up with some standards (even though they might be slightly off) i think that innovation has it's place especially if it's not major and just takes a few seconds to get used to. gnome is our chance to really create something special. something intuitive. something great. lets not let the status quo hinder that progress.

>badger  \"The Difference between today and yesterday is not so much what has
>@prtr-13 \ changed between then and now as what I hope to change by tomorrow."
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