Re: file manager

    Miguel>    I think it is usable, if you want to try it out, just
    Miguel>    checkout
    Miguel> module "mc" from the cvs repository.

You need a bit more than that: if I have figured things out well
(don't count on it), you need to do (in the "mc" directory):

./configure --with-gnome --prefix=whatever

and then it will install both mc and gmc.  gmc is the gnome version of 

PS it would be nice to get automake into the picture: in the old days
you were supposed to put a lot of dependencies between configure,
configure,, Makefile and so forth.  "mc" never had those
(ugly) things put in by hand, so (for example) if you modify it will not re-run autoconf.

automake would take care of all that without compromising the wide
portability of mc.

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