So what's the plan?

Is there a "white-paper" of sorts that explains exactly what the planned
"released" gnome desktop will be and include?  I've gone thru the web site
and read about the Style Guide, the plans for CORBA, about VFS, the
software map and the ideas that are being thrown around for apps to
include.  But things that I (and others I'm sure) would like know are:
When will a stable end-user version projected to be out, ie 1.0? 
   (6 mons? 1yr?)

What will this release contain? 
   Standard gnome framework (ie, CORBA, VFS, Sound System, file manager,
	desktop configurator, themes, panel, dnd)
   Office suite (WP, spreadsheet, presentation pkg, database, money mgr)
   Games (...)

The impression I have is that you want to give a standard look-n-feel for
any current (and future) applications.  

Does this mean that there will be at least one GNOME version of each type
of application available?  

Can anyone just throw together a gtk app making it conform to the Style
guide with all of the proper gnome specific features and be expected to be
included as part of the GNOME desktop?

There is already a list of things that people are currently working on
and a couple of hints of projects to come (GPresent?), but what are the
_required_ applications that need to be available before GNOME will be
considered "successful"?  Successful in this context meaning that it
includes all of the applications needed for a standard end-user desktop.

- cls

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