Re: Multi-size, Multi-Bit depth icons

On 15 Jul, Ben 'The Con Man' Kahn shouted:
->  	Maybe imlib should support sampling with a cache.  If the image is
->  already in the cache at the right size, don't re-render it.  Or, maybe
->  there can be a way to cache the sampling information so the operation
->  doesn't take as long for each successive render.
->  (1024x768 --> 800x600 takes a while, but then 640x480 has the image data
->  in cache, so it's faster.)

thats not correct to go into imli it does nto go do approximate scaling
- it scales exactly to the size you want - i have considered adding
render types for anti-aliased scaling (ie pixel subsampling and
supersampling on scale) - it wont be pretty code nor will it be fast.
currenly it's not ont he top of the priority list for imlib - an imlbi
server is however, and revers drawable-> RGB is too. (specifically for
screencapture etc.)

->  On Wed, 15 Jul 1998, George wrote:
->  > On Wed, Jul 15, 1998 at 04:12:40PM -0400, wrote:
->  > > 2. multiple sizes arent much use - imlib scales if asked to. :)
->  > 
->  > it's exacly his point .. yes imlib scales, but the result is pretty ugly
->  > when you get to the size used on the menus ...
->  > 
->  > > 3. if you MUST have multiple sizes (or multiple states or images in a
->  > > single file) imlib alreday has support for the EIM format whihc allows
->  > > this (it can load AND save/append images to EIM files).
->  > 
->  > either this or just make an extra item in .desktop as he suggested
->  > then you can still use any format for the icon ...
->  > 
->  > George
->  > 
->  > -- 
->  > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
->  > George Lebl <>
->  > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
->  >   The following implements RSA in perl and is illegal to export from the US:
->  > 
->  >           #!/bin/perl -sp0777i<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<j]dsj
->  >           $/=unpack('H*',$_);$_=`echo 16dio\U$k"SK$/SM$n\EsN0p[lN*1
->  >           lK[d2%Sa2/d0$^Ixp"|dc`;s/\W//g;$_=pack('H*',/((..)*)$/)
->  > 
->  > 
->  > -- 
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->  						-Ben
->  ------------------------------------ |\      _,,,--,,_  ,) ----------
->  Benjamin Kahn                        /,`.-'`'   -,  ;-;;'
->  (212) 924 - 2220                    |,4-  ) )-,_ ) /\
-> --------------- '---''(_/--' (_/-' ---------------
->            Meet Linux: Forrest Gump as an operating system. 

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