Re: Solaris 2.5.1 Applets don't work


Am Sonntag, den 05. Juli 1998 21:12:26 schrieb M G Berberich:
> I have installed gnome-libs and gnome-core from 1998-07-05 and mico
> 2.0.5 on Solaris 2.5.1. None of the applets does work. This was the
> same with the 0.20 release.
>    started applet, pid: 11411
>    ** ERROR **: sigsegv caught

I now have (parts of) gnome installed on a Solaris 2.6 machine and
nearly all the applets are working. So it seems to be a problem
special to Solaris 2.5.1?

> Has anybody installed gnome on Solaris 2.5.1? If yes: are your applets
> running?

I made severla attempts to get the applets running on 2.5.1 and
reinstalled all the libs and gnome-core, but it's still not working.

	bmg (unbezahlter SysOp)

"Des is völlig wurscht, was heut beschlos- | M G Berberich
 sen wird: I bin sowieso dagegn!"          |
(SPD-Stadtrat Kurt Schindler; Regensburg)  |

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