Re: Building errors

Quoting Miguel de Icaza (
> > gnome/obgnome: libtool complains that obgnome depends on uninstalled obgtk.
> I do not know how to fix this.  If anyone has any idea on how this can
> be fixed, please, let me know.
> > gnome/programs/genius: bison requires option -d to build, which is
> > 			  needed for parser.h, which is needed for lexer.l.
> > 			  genius requires -lintl.
> > 			  geniustest requires -lintl.
> Same for this one.  I was not able to figure out how to fix the
> to do this for us.  Someone with more experience with
> automake may help me here.

if you mean the -d option ... I think automake has different variables
for YACCFLAGS or whatever it is called ... for example this works on my
system with automake 1.2c

a temporary fix that should work on any automake but is a bit ugly would
be to do it the way I did it originally ... but this is not "the right
way to do this(tm)"

YACC += -d


George Lebl <>
While some may have the year 2000  | $ emacs
problem, my 64-bit alpha's got the | bash: emacs: command not found
year 292471208677 problem          | YES!!

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