GEM : Gnome Event Manager

Hi gnome people,

Here is an idea that stroke(sp?) me after reading the long thread about
the filemanager dialog box problems.

It would be interesting to have a central piece of software through
which apps could pipe their important events. It would allow the user
to choose actions associated with events. This could be done as a
new layer over the CORBA Event Service.

For example, let's say I receive a new e-mail. My gnome-mail-watcher
tells the GEM "I have a new mail" with a few parameters (title, author,
etc). The GEM has been set up by the user to display a message
box with this data, so a nice window pops up.

Basically, what is required is that the apps register their events 
in the GEM and the GEM has some methods which it calls when 
getting an event, to do... well, whatever you want ! With a system
of plug-ins, an event could open a message box, play a sound, 
blink something in the panel...

Well... does someone has an Event Service ready to use ? :)

I'm waiting for your comments...

-- Olivier

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