Re: Don't waste time on offline newsreaders...

>>>>> "Toshio" == Toshio Kuratomi <> writes:

Toshio> I disagree that the Agent paradigm is inherently single user.
Toshio> I think it's just a matter of granularity.  Whatever program
Toshio> you have doing the downloads and cacheing just needs to keep
Toshio> track of what's in its cache on a smaller scale.  User A has
Toshio> read a Thread containing news items 1-5.  User B comes along
Toshio> the next day and wants to read the same thread, but it now
Toshio> includes message 7-9 as well.  The program doing the network
Toshio> transactions should be able to say, "Hey!  Just give me
Toshio> messages 7-9, I already have 1-5 in my global cache."

	Have you looked at nntpcached?  I'm using it here and what
you're talking about sounds close to what it does.  Info is at

Contrary to popular belief, UNIX is user friendly.  It just happens
to be very selective about who it decides to make friends with.

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