RE: GNOME registry

Stupid microsuck outlook.
Any way,
I didn't say remove flat files.

What I am saying is:

create a library, lets just say, somthing like libconfig

a program uses libconfig to get its config information.

program: sendmail
sendmail calls libconfig telling libconfig it is sendmail

libconfig looks in its default directory, somthing like /etc/libconfig or
where ever for 

it opens it and checks the first line for what module to use. If it is LDAP,
it checks the next line for what server and what context.

if it is the flat file module, it just continues reading the settings from
that file.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Joshua R. Prismon []
> Sent:	Thursday, December 31, 1998 8:45 AM
> To:
> Subject:	RE: GNOME registry
> At 08:08 AM 12/31/98 -0800, you wrote:
> >All I am saying, is if we want to implament something like the registry,
> it
> >would be "a good thing" to be able to configure sendmail, ftp, apache,
> and
> >other non gnome programs the same way. A standard "everything" config
> >library would work well for this.
> How about we not worry about how the information is stored (all though
> provide
> a generic method or two), and instead work on a CORBA interface that all 
> applications give some unifiedI am  way to switch settings. 
> The reason for that is two fold:
> -) Sendmail has vastly different configuration information (and needs)
> then 
> say .xmodmap or gmc. 
> -) The power users will get ticked off if we remove text interfaces ;-)
> -- 
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