RE: GNOME registry

At 03:23 31-12-98 -0500, you wrote:
>You've got to be kidding. They obviously can't PREVENT non-GNOME
>applications from reading the registry. But wtf would another application
>WANT to mess with the registry? I think this 'this feature should be in
>the operating system rather than GNOME' line of thinking is sort of
I strongly, strongly agree with this.
One of the charmes about GNOME is that it really "integrates" with my 
"current" Linux configuration instead of even giving me seperate screensavers
like KDE does :-)
If GNOME is going to be "the" desktop for some time, we really need to
keep in mind that we're using Linux (or UNIX) and not X-windows. 
So if everything what doesn't need to come from GNOME, doesn't come
from GNOME, I'll be perfectly happy.
Now if only I could code myself ;-)

>impractical. Furthermore, I believe GNOME shouldn't be going around the
>system creating things that aren't obviously GNOME-related; otherwise
>you're going to end up with a lot of apparent garbage and I think that's
>something that we'd all like to do without.
I agree with you. I just didn't look through good enough what I was writing. 
What I meant was that I don't want GNOME to become a second KDE with
another series of data/config files lying around which only proof to be usable
for that one app. 
George already contacted me personally thourgh e-mail and he explained me 
that nobody was going to mess with my system ;-) He told me that the
is just about a general place to store data which would than be available

>On Thu, 31 Dec 1998, Rowan van der Molen wrote:
>> >I think somthing like this needs to be a system wide thing, not just
>> Yes, I will kill all the GNOME developers pesonally if they are going to
>> implement something
>> usable for GNOME only.

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