Re: UI Rantings [was: Re: gmc and file-selection mockups]

On Wed, Dec 30, 1998 at 08:19:18AM -0800, Fox, Kevin M was heard to say:
> You could modularize the open dialog code. Then if anyone wants something
> different, they could just replace the module. That seems to be the easiest
> solution.

  Hmm, what happens if two users on the same computer want different dialogs?
Sounds too much like the Athena widget setup to me..  I think that it should
either be a CORBA object or (is this possible?) in a .lo file (a la themes)

  Daniel Burrows

  Nothing is hopeless.

(a) Assume the opposite.
(b) If something _is_ hopeless, then its condition can only improve.
(c) If its condition can only improve, then there must be hope for it.
(d) Therefore, nothing is hopeless.  QED.

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