Re: Known bugs, bug reporting

Elliot Lee <> writes:

> Here's a list of bugs I know about, gleaned from the list
> <> posted, plus a couple from _A_ and other IRC denizens.
> Before reporting a bug that isn't on this list, please make sure you're
> using the latest glib, gtk+, ORBit, and gnome-libs (within a day) from
> CVS.
> Best way to report a bug, since Jitterbug is a tad cumbersome and doesn't
> seem to have worked for ages: post to gnome-list, try to condense all your
> bugs into one message and title it "[BUGLIST]" or something obvious. :)

Well, I think Jitterbug is working - it just have very much outdated bugs.

> Now for the list:
> ------------- Bugs I Have Known -----------
> * guname
> Alan Cox is spelled COx

This seems to be fixed, but the AUTHORS.h is messed up - some names are
mentioned twice with a little difference in the among of white space some
with and without full name.

> * gnome-core/util
> gnome-intro is pretty outdated. Should be replaced or removed doesn't use
> libgtop yet

Where is this gnome-core/util ?

If you mean the documentation in core-docs with "gnome-intro is pretty outdated"
what has this to do with libgtop ?

> * gtop
> starts too large

Yes, I'm working on that. Already fixed on the main trunk but not yet merged
into the GNOME_STABLE branch of GTop since it needs some more testing.


   Martin Baulig - Angewandte Mathematik - Universitaet Trier,

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