Gaspell Version 0.0

I have just put a preliminary version of Gaspell at

For those of you who are interested be sure to check it out and let me
know what you think.  I will add it to the Gnome software map in a
couple of days after I get some problems worked out with it.

Automake/Autoconf experts I could really use you help.  I hope to
eventually bundle it with the rest of Aspell but right now I can't even
get past configure on a non gnome system.  This is what I get:

checking for file in /usr/local/lib... not found
configure: error: Could not find the file that is generated
by gnome-libs install.

Comments and suggestions about the interface most welcome. 

PS: I think I want to work on importing my entire aspell distribution in
the Gnome CVS.  Who do I need to contact?

PS2: I am still waiting for people to try my spell checker out with
other languages.  Right now I refuse to even think about releasing
Aspell 1.0 until my language support system is tested out on several
other languages.

Kevin Atkinson

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