Re: enlightenment sound daemon

Matt <> writes:

> some guys i have been chatting to on LinuxNet have been complaining
> that they need esd to run things like ee. their major bitch seems to
> be that gnome is supposed to be window manager independant, they dont
> run enlightenment so why should they need to install esd to run some
> app? so how about a gnome sound daemon for the next devel set of gnome
> support libs? just an idea...

Hmmm. So, you are saying that we need to take esound,
rename it gsound and check it back in to CVS?

There is nothing Enlightenment-specific about esound,
other than the fact that Enlightement uses it.
esound isn't perfect, especially in the area of real-time 
audio streams, but the right way to handle this 
is to improve esound, not to rewrite it...


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