Re: CVS doesn't like its own checkouts???

On Sat, Dec 19, 1998 at 01:58:24PM -0800, Jonathan Sergent scribbled:
> In message <Pine.LNX.3.96.981219083944.7937B-100000@spootown>, Gleef writes:
>  ] It's been happening since long before GNOME_STABLE has been a tag, but so
>  ] far my commands pretty much match yours.  I only see it during a checkout
>  ] of an existing module, but as included modules come and go, one has to
>  ] recheckout regularly to catch the new modules.
> That's just the thing.  Don't checkout existing modules; update them.

  From the CVS manpage:

Running  `cvs  checkout'  on  a  directory that was already built by a prior
checkout is  also  permitted,  and  has the same effect as specifying the -d
option to the update command described below.

  Is this wrong, or should we not be using the -d tag?  The manpage says
about it:

	    Use the -d option  to  create  any  directories  that
            exist  in  the repository if they're missing from the
            working directory.  (Normally, update  acts  only  on
            directories  and  files that were already enrolled in
            your working directory.)  This is useful for updating
            directories that were created in the repository since
            the initial checkout; but it has an unfortunate  side
            effect.  If you deliberately avoided certain directo­
            ries in the repository when you created your  working
            directory  (either through use of a module name or by
            listing explicitly  the  files  and  directories  you
            wanted  on  the  command line), then updating with -d
            will create those directories, which may not be  what
            you want.

  Daniel Burrows

  Things are not as bad as they seem.

(a) Assume the opposite
(b) If things really are as bad as they seem, then they cannot get any worse
(c) If things cannot get any worse, then that is something good about them
(d) Therefore, things are not as bad as they seem.  QED

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