Re: Balsa .... kinda .

On Thu, 17 Dec 1998, Jeff Garzik wrote:

> Todd Graham Lewis wrote:
> > On 17 Dec 1998, Alan Shutko wrote:
> > > And configuring 600-1800 mail programs is any easier?
> > With DHCP, it's trivial.
> hmmm.  DHCP doesn't at all cover the weird configurations usually found
> at large sendmail sites.  As the size of the site increases, the number
> of hand mods to tends to increase as well.  Of course, there
> is rdist and friends for stuff like that, but in practice it's much
> better, for many reasons, to centralize mail services.

Eh?  Why do you have to modify at all to point 600 clients at
a single relay machine?  In this context, "mail programs" means clients,
not MTAs.  DHCP doesn't have to cover any wierd configuration; it just
tells the clients to use machine foo as their smarthost.

> At any point, the discussion is moot, Balsa will support both local
> sendmail and remote SMTP.


Todd Graham Lewis      (800) 719-4664, x2804

"It's still ludicrous that nobody's ever made a run at us by making UNIX
 a popular platform on PCs.  It's almost too late now."  -- Steve Balmer
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