Re: Where to install to

On Tue, 15 Dec 1998, Charles Collicutt wrote:
> Hi,
>    In the CVS tutorial and various other places I've seen people talk
> about installing gnome in /opt/gnome. Is there a reason for this that I
> don't know about? What's wrong with the "normal" /usr/local/ ?

The biggest benefit of installing in /opt/gnome allows all of the GNOME
stuff gets put together in one place, without cluttering up the other
things you need to manage in /usr/local.  You can easily add or remove
GNOME to paths,, etc without harming any other programs.

Furthermore, once GNOME has full /opt support (i.e. /etc/opt/gnome rather
than /opt/gnome/etc and /var/opt/gnome instead of /opt/gnome/var), you can
export the /opt/gnome directory to any other machines of the same CPU
type.  Each machine would have its own local configuration (in
/etc/opt/gnome), and logs (/var/opt/gnome) while only needing one copy of
the binaries.

For more information, check out:


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