Re: File selection dialog changes

>On Tue, 15 Dec 1998, Matthew Brown wrote:
>> directory is broken.  File rename is also important -- what if you go
>> to save a file but realise a file with the same name already exists --
>> maybe a previous version?  Without these kind of features you have to
>> go run another program to do this; why?
>> -Matt
>How's this:
>It should only give you the option to rename if there IS a conflict. i.e.:
>You do a "save as" or whatever,
>and type in "file.txt".
>Then it says: "file.txt exists, would you like to Overwrite the old file,
>Rename the old file, Append (?) the old file, or Cancel (and type a new
>That would seem to me to be the best way to limit choice for new users, if
>that is the goal.

This is a terrible idea.  There's no reason to "limit the choices of new
users".  We may wish to keep some options out of their view, such as opening
files from a file dialog and such, but no reason to "limit them" in any way.

And this still doesn't solve the issue of printing or making directories.

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