Re: Spaces in file and directory names.

On 15 Dec 1998, Bruce Stephens wrote:

> > This is why I think spaces in file names are a bad idea and this is
> > why I expressed the hope that none of the standard gnome directories
> > and file names would contain spaces.
> I think this is good advice.  We've had problems trying to get make to
> cope with directories containing spaces too ("Program Files" on win32,
> specifically).  In general, avoiding spaces and other special
> characters in file and directory names will lead to fewer surprises.

Can we please stop this discussion?  The question is not whether to use
spaces in names.  We all know that it's not such a hot idea.  The question
is whether to support spaces in names, and on that question we have no
choice: we have to support it.  No one suggest that everyone go out and
have a spacifying party on their home directory.  The point is that users
expect it, it is possible, and therefore we will do it.  Case closed.

Todd Graham Lewis      (800) 719-4664, x2804

"It's still ludicrous that nobody's ever made a run at us by making UNIX
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